Graduate and Degree Completion 招生

Bachelor’s Degree Completion Programs

Complete your undergraduate degree in the School of Professional Studies to advance your career. Our online courses help busy individuals earn their bachelor’s.

商学院 and 非营利组织管理

We offer four master’s degrees and five graduate-level certificates in topics related to for-profit business and nonprofit organizations.

Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

The School of Professional Studies offers a fully online master’s degree for individuals seeking a professional counselor career.


We have 项目 for those seeking Illinois state licensure, a special endorsement, 主要准备工作, or a degree that will prepare you to students from diverse cultures and backgrounds.

School of Music, Art, and Theatre

Earn a Master of Music in Performance with a concentration in vocal arts solo, 声乐艺术团, keyboard arts vocal coaching, or keyboard arts conducting.

护理学院 and 健康科学

Develop your skills with a master’s degree or a post-master’s certificate in leadership and management, advanced practice nursing, or athletic training to prepare to face the challenges of 21st-century healthcare.

North Park Theological 神学院

North Park Theological 神学院 welcomes individuals worldwide who are responding to a call to ministry and theological study.

Tuition and Financial 援助

Our scholarships, financial aid, and tuition are specific to your program. The Office of Financial 援助 will work with you to 确定 your cost and how to pay it through scholarships, 贷款, personal contributions, 奖助金, 或者其他来源.



Take a virtual tour of North Park’s campus from wherever you are. 探索 our buildings and green spaces while learning more about our history. 



Our admissions offices are open MondayFriday during business hours, but you can schedule an appointment at another time. 




探索 our course catalog to find a course 你会 like to take as a student-at-large. 


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Our admissions team will contact you and send more information about North Park and the opportunities available to you here.

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